Does Traditional Yoga Lead to Muscular Imbalance? (Part 1)

I am MORE than excited about my new article in Yoga International that was just published today! Whoo-hoooo! It's Part 1 of a 2-part series and I really like how Yoga International summed it up:

"Yoga is often described as a balanced and complete long-term health and wellness practice. But does a consistent yoga practice really provide the body with everything it needs to function optimally? Yoga teacher Jenni Rawlings explains that although asana is a wonderful and transformative practice, when explored through the lens of anatomy, there is one aspect of this practice that is surprisingly unbalanced. But don't fear! In this article, she'll not only elucidate what this imbalance is but also how practitioners can undo it. Take what you learn and enhance the safety and overall function of your practice today!"