Addressing Low Back Pain in Yoga's Up Dog

Update 1/10/22: I created this video in 2015 (7 years ago at the time of this update!), and it doesn’t represent my current approach to the body, movement, and pain.

For more up-to-date perspectives on pain, repetitive movement activities, and more, check out this podcast episode with myself and Travis Pollen, PhD!

On the heels of my recent article on backbends for Yoga International (!!), I thought I would share this quick video on some tips for addressing low back pain in upward facing dog (urdhva mukha svanasana). How many yogis do you know who have complained about back pain/tweakiness/discomfort in this pose? (I know a lot!) If you work to integrate the tips in this video into your up dog practice, you should find yourself moving much closer to a shape that embodies the all-important "arches not angles" principle that I discuss in my YI article.

And remember - because up dog is often taught quickly and frequently (sometimes up to 50 times!) in a single yoga practice, it has the tendency to become an unhelpful pose for your body due to its inherent repetitiveness. It is much better to practice just a few up dogs which are mindful and well-aligned than a gazillion up dogs which are poorly organized.

I hope you find this video helpful for yourself and your students. As always, if you have any questions, just let me know!