Welcome to Kettlebells + Yoga and Our New Special Guest Teacher in my Class Library!

I’m more than excited to welcome our newest special guest teacher to contribute to my online class library: the amazing Lizette Pompa!!

I have been a huge fan of Lizette for a long time, and I was thrilled when she said yes to the idea of contributing some kettlebell + yoga flows to my online class library!

Using a kettlebell is one way that we yogis can bring a form of external load into our yoga practice, and Lizette does a great job of unifying the feeling of a yoga flow with the added load / "prop" of the kettlebell.

Lizette is a yoga teacher and yoga studio owner based in Uppsala, Sweden who loves to incorporate strength into her yoga classes. She is incredibly strong and dedicated to her yoga practice, and she inspires me every day with her posts on Instagram.

I hope you love her first practice in my library (which is only $8.99/month for unlimited access to all classes & you can cancel anytime, by the way!) I've already taken this class two times, and my body is verrry happy!

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